Saturday, July 28, 2007

Preparing A Home For Sale

In a buyer's market, having a well prepared home for sale will definitely improve your chances of having interested buyers. Preparing a home doesn't mean you need to hire professional stagers to prep up your house. Here are a couple ideas that you can do yourself and will increase the saleability of your home:

Curb appeal: you've got to get the buyer's out of their car first! Plant some fresh flowers, keep the bushes trimmed and the grass mowed. In winter, keep the driveway and sidewalks clear of all snow and ice. Any peeling paint around the house? Faded shutters or doors? A fresh coat of paint goes a long way.

Clutter: remove remove remove! Rent a storage unit if you must! Having things packed in does not represent how much room you have to store stuff (as one seller expressed to me) it only shows how much stuff you have. It's a turn off to buyers. So declutter the closets, the basement, and the counter tops.

Paint! Again, a fresh coat of paint goes a long way.

Dust: sounds simple enough, but really do a thorough cleaning in every nook and cranny.

These are just a few ideas to share on this blog. For a complete list of ideas that won't break the bank or your back, please contact me by either email or phone and I can send it over to you!

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